Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Love My Enemies?

One that is antagonistic to another; one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound.
Something harmful or deadly.

We all have enemies in some form. And I just find it hard to imagine anyone truly embracing an enemy.

Okay, I'll admit that this is something that is almost unacceptable to me, especially in light of what is happening in our country today, the sadness of the aftermath of September 11, the recent terrorist attempts, and the arrest of many terrorists who were plotting our destruction.
What's to love?
I have sympathy for misguided commitments, but I don't have any love for those committed to my destruction and/or the destruction of my loved ones and homeland.

But I tell you who hear Me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. ~ Luke 6: 27-28

Honestly, there are days I don't much love the people I love! So loving my enemies is a near-impossible task for me.
This is one gigantic hurdle blocking any spiritual growth for me.

I did come across a quote that had an impact on me though, and it's helping a great deal:

"You don't love in your enemies what they are, but what you would have them become by your prayers." ~ St. Augustine


  1. Oh this is an oxymoron isn't know Eileen I know this is hard to understand as I have a hard time explaining it but I find it easy to love those who do such horrible things, to me they have never known true love by someone who needed them or wanted them in their lives so they reach out to feel needed in other sad. St Augustine is so right, think what they would have become without our prayers. Big hugs to Jayden and Mia, luv ya.......:-) Hugs

  2. I think of enemy as either some one personal or in a worse way enemy of our country. Personal enemies, one could have empathy for and realize they must be terribly unhappy themselves to be a cruel person(enemy), so I could love them in a sense of trying to understand and forgive(love them)...A terrorist is different, but I think feeling compassion for their ignorance, their not knowing a better way of life, the wanting to change them not harm them is in a way loving them, as a fellow human, just not their deeds.
